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Starost Kraj

Nekaj o meni
Am cool and funny
Koga iščem
Me zanima
Nekaj o meni
I identify myself as an ideal man, not handsome but with sincerity, compassion, earnestness, deep…
Koga iščem
I want to find a woman for the rest of my life serious, energetic, sincere, loving, honest, and resp…
Me zanima
Nekaj o meni
I identify myself as an ideal man, not handsome but with sincerity, compassion, earnestness, deep…
Koga iščem
I want to find a woman for the rest of my life serious, energetic sincere, loving, honest, and respe…
Me zanima
Nekaj o meni
Calm and relaxed looking forward to meeting new friends
Koga iščem
Good friends and hopefully true love
Me zanima
Nekaj o meni
I'm a gentleman man, i live a straight forward and simple life. I love being honest and real to peop…
Koga iščem
A nice descent lady with great sense of understanding. Also humorous straight and honest in judgemen…
Me zanima
Nekaj o meni
Just ask
Koga iščem
Just ask
Me zanima
Nekaj o meni
I am a man with a big heart, great sense of humor, lover of life as well. I believe that as we live…
Koga iščem
I would like to find a lady with good sense of humor, someone who is affectionate, caring, understan…
Me zanima
Ta spletna stran uporablja piškotki in druge sledilne tehnologije za razlikovanje med napravami, prilagajanje storitev, analitične in statistične namene ter prilagajanje vsebine in prikazovanja oglasov. Nekaj informacije lahko uporabimo tudi za socialne medije, oglaševalske in analitične partnerje. Če boš še naprej uporabljal/a spletno stran, predvidevamo, da ustreza tvojim trenutnim nastavitvam. Nastavitve lahko kadar koli spremeniš v svojem brskalniku, kar pa lahko znatno zmanjša funkcionalnost naše spletne strani.