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Sandra Lawson

Žena, 31
Tennessee, East - United States
Nekaj o meni
I am Sandra Lawson by my name, 30 years old by my age and i am an Economist by profession.I am a conpetent economist by my profession and i have once worked in textile store, a collection of textiles design and sewing materials and i was lay off job in last year December 17th and hunt for job .
Koga iščem
I'm Looking for a simplistic man with a Good sense of Humor, A Loving, Caring, romantic, trust worthy,honest and a sincere man. I want a man who appreciates and admires Love. A man who is Good hearted,adventurous and down to earth. A Family Oriented with a Good relationship with other. I would Love to be with a man that shows courtesy and who is Upfront.
Višina: 5'7
Teža: 120lbs
Lasje: curly Blonde hair
Oči: Black eyes
Ta spletna stran uporablja piškotki in druge sledilne tehnologije za razlikovanje med napravami, prilagajanje storitev, analitične in statistične namene ter prilagajanje vsebine in prikazovanja oglasov. Nekaj informacije lahko uporabimo tudi za socialne medije, oglaševalske in analitične partnerje. Če boš še naprej uporabljal/a spletno stran, predvidevamo, da ustreza tvojim trenutnim nastavitvam. Nastavitve lahko kadar koli spremeniš v svojem brskalniku, kar pa lahko znatno zmanjša funkcionalnost naše spletne strani.