sk cz si en


Žena, 29
Colorado - United States
Nekaj o meni
I am a sincere, honest, caring, kind, friendly very easy to get along with. I am, social, romantic, passionate, smart, intelligent, cool headed, adaptive, have a big heart. And i do believe in the truth and honesty. Because honesty is the only key to human success, and with honest, i believe in myself and my life is really based on truth, and its all about who i really am.
Koga iščem
I am really looking for a man who’s completely honest and sincere about his words and feelings. A man who is ready for a long term relationship and ready to build up a family with someone real and honest as caring as i am. A marriage minded and family orientates man that i can devout all my life for.
Višina: Prazno
Teža: Prazno
Lasje: Prazno
Oči: Prazno
Ta spletna stran uporablja piškotki in druge sledilne tehnologije za razlikovanje med napravami, prilagajanje storitev, analitične in statistične namene ter prilagajanje vsebine in prikazovanja oglasov. Nekaj informacije lahko uporabimo tudi za socialne medije, oglaševalske in analitične partnerje. Če boš še naprej uporabljal/a spletno stran, predvidevamo, da ustreza tvojim trenutnim nastavitvam. Nastavitve lahko kadar koli spremeniš v svojem brskalniku, kar pa lahko znatno zmanjša funkcionalnost naše spletne strani.