sk cz si en


Mož, 34
Nekaj o meni

I'm single completely unattached and would be glad if i encounter a woman of high calibre, good attitude, self respect and ambition. A woman who knows what she wants and know how to get it. She has to be understanding and sincere that way a relationship would be smoother, Been single and lonely for 1yr and I feel that My body, my blood and my soul need to love again. I'm looking for a special women someone who need to be loved, someone who need kisses and caress, someone who need a big hug like I need all that.

I believe that a strong relationship is not based only on sex life but that a strong relationship builds a strong love life that leads to a strong and great sex life and can only happen with open communication, trust and commitment and constantly working together and being honest with my woman..!!
I wrote all this as I feel we both are on same platform..
God bless
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Koga iščem
Long-term relationship/live in/ marriage
Višina: 5'11
Teža: 62
Lasje: Black
Oči: Black
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